This little elixir of goodness to thi thay:
We can take a bottle of this liquid and be more beautifull and healthyFOR HAIR:
Bye, bye Danddruff!
Add apple cider vinegar to water in iqual parts, bathe your scalp in the solution for up to two hours (apply via spray bottle)
Shine bright like a diamond
Wash your hair with normal shampoo, and then rinse with apple cider vinegar before
conditioning. Cue a shiny mane!
No chees odor
Spray your feet with equal parts water and apple cider vinegar. It will fight off bacterian that
causes the smell
It can be applied to your armpit to neutralize le odors.
Fresh breath
A gargle of apple cider vinegar dilued in water for ten minutes
Insect bites
A dab of apple cider vinegar and water can be applied directly to the bite to alleviate pain and promote healing
Like baby skin
For a natural astringent, apply a washcloth soaked in diluted apple cider vinegar to your face
Summer Sun
Mix up a solution of 25% apple cider vinegar and 75% water and apply directly sun burn with a washcloth
For a singer's throat
If you add two tablespoons of apple cider vinegar to half a cup of water, you have a very effective throat gargle.
Hiccups hipo
A spoonful of pure apple cider vinegar triggers nerves in the throat stopping hiccups dead!
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