
jeudi 5 mai 2016

Lara's class

Three years ago I started receiving English and French classes, Lara has been my teacher for all this time, I learned how to organize a text, how to take notes from a film or a video (TED), how to understand a book but the most important thing she taught me how to think. With Lara I made so much activities like describing myself, recipes and interesting things, she always let me show my point of view and my opinion.

She is one of the best teachers I ever had, she is original, creative... and I love it, for luck, she helped me, by reading and writing, be in that way too. Thanks you for all this years.

mercredi 20 avril 2016

Danielle Feinberg

Resultado de imagen de danielle feinberg pixarWhen she was eleven she wanted to be an artist but some well-meaning adults told her she couldn't make a living being an artist
She have always loved science and maths so she started studying computer programming from that moment she felt in love with the magic of animation short films.
Soon she started working at Pixar Animation Studios, making those movies she can make new worlds and bring robots to life play with lights and shadows with the computer, she make art, she is an artist, so yes, she could finally make a living being an artist.

mercredi 6 avril 2016

Looks aren't everything. Believe me, I'm a model.

She is Cameron Russell, i love her talk, it is about the 
black models, there is a very low 
percentage of black models and the most of the black
 13-years-old girls are unhappy 
with their look because the beauty canon is a white, tall 
and blond woman, it is only marketing.
She said that the models are the most insecure people, 
and they sometimes are sad or 
depressed, most of the photos are edited and she 
said that she doesn't like it

I like it very much because i always think about why
 the canon beauty is a white girl and not a black ,
 they are pretty too and they have beautiful bodies.
The marketing hurts in teenagers a lot
 it has to be stopped

The Papalagi

A german anthropologist, called Erich Scheurmann, went to study a tribe in Tiavea, Upolu (one of the Samoan islands), and met Tuiavii, the village's chief. They started to get close to each other so Tuiavii told Erich his story.
The tiavean chief had been in Europe time ago but he came back impressed and disappointed about our culture. Tuiavii wrote about it, however never intended to show it to Erich until they finally had total trust.
In his texts he calls us Papalagi (white men) and he describes our culture as "a one way road to nowhere".
One of the best quotes of Tuiavii that the anthropologist could remember was "you fellow think that you can show us the light, but what you really do is try to drag us down into your pool of darkness.
Erich translated the book to german and published it.

mercredi 30 mars 2016

Jade Beall Ted

Resultado de imagen de a beautiful bodyJade Beall is a photographer 
who is sick of listening to society t
alking about a perfect body on the contrary she 
says that all people are beautiful, 
so she starts her project called: A beautiful body in which she explains her point of view 
through photographing pregnant,
 old, sick, damaged or post pregnant women's bodies while telling their stories.

mercredi 9 mars 2016

Coral Crochet (Margaret Wertheim)

Resultado de imagen de margaret wertheim projectShe is a scientist who made an ecologic
 and mathematic project with her sister 
artist Christine Wertheim.

The project is an artistic way of showing a 
mathematic theory, it is an installation that is
 made up with handmade knitted coral reefs, 
it is also a way to fight 
with ecologic activism.

mercredi 2 mars 2016

Jill Bolte

Jill Bolte always knew she would study the brain, she had a brother with a brain disorder: esquizofrenia.
Her surprise happened the morning of December, 10th, 1996, she woke up having a brain stoke but she realice about it when she had a part of her body already froze, but finally she could called to ask for help.
JIll Bolte tell us in this TED that she found Nirvana, she found happiness. She said that from that experience she started to see the life in a different way. "We have the power to choose, moment by moment, who we are and who we want to be in this world". Jill Bolte.

lundi 29 février 2016


Ken Rovinson works in education sector and 
he believes education is wrong,
 he thinks that teachers don't let 
children develop the way they are, they are creative 
since the moment of their 
birth and most teachers 
always stop the artistic side in the childhood. So 
education have to change for a better 
evolution in the society.

lundi 22 février 2016

Life after people

What would happen to the world if people got extinct? There is a documentary called Life after people that explains what could happen to the monuments, buildings and all the constructions that we would leave on the Earth.

10 Firsts days 
- Everything that produces energy would be deactivated automatically after two days
- Family dogs would scape from houses
- Rats and house mice would get in to the houses

1 year
- All the areas would return to the wild
- The climate would change, it would be like before the global warming.
- There will be fires and earthquakes and some cities would be destroy

5 years
- The streets would be under plants
- Zoo animals will scape

25 years
- The worst things would fall down
- There will be cities under water
- The dams will flood

150 years
- Underground constructions would be full of water and the streets and roads would fall down
- Small animals would be all around

200 years 
- Iron structures would start to fall down because they would get rusted

1,000 years
- The cities would be irreconocibles

10,000 years
- Structures in desserts would be cover by sand
- Scientifics think some species could be clever animal

mercredi 10 février 2016

My life by 2028

When I grow up, I will have travelled to India because i love to travel far away and I will be working in a gym or training a swimming team in Majadahonda. As soon as I start to make a salary I will rent an apartment with a garden near Monte del Pilar because I hope i will have a dog.

I will make sport at night or in the morning because i like it and i hope it will always make me feel well and happy.
In 2028 i guess I will be spending christmas time and two weeks of summer with my family.
Anyways, I don't want to grow up fast because I like my age now.